Client: International Fund for Animal Welfare
Role: Experience Design Director
Methods: Concept sketching & rapid prototyping
In Australia, the small country highways and curious native wildlife, make for a lot of road-side tragedies. When someone spots injured wildlife, it can be difficult to know what to do.
An iOS app that allows users to get help when they spot injured wildlife by geo-locating the nearest vet.
The on-boarding process gives a quick summary of the app's capabilities.
When the user finds an injured animal, they immediately see where they are on the map, and the closest rescue centres to call for help.
The user can also give extra information about the incident. IFAW creates data-sets about place, animals, types of injuries, and more.
The history screen keeps track of a user’s activity, so they can feel good about all the work they’ve done.
Lee Gordon, Experience Design Director
Alexandra Fitzroy, Sr. Visual Designer
Rob Chalmers, Sr. Experience Designer
Next Up: Connected Retail